ANTH 3690 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Thomas Kuhn, Metanarrative, Marilyn Strathern
Document Summary
** exam review *** this paper will be on exam *** Sherry ortner (university of california at los angeles) She mentions all but 2 in her own article (marcus, fischer and clifford) Speculate on the reasons why they are excluded. Critique of asad - sees it as caught up in own cultural framework, incapable of understanding. Concerned about erikson and murray"s discussion of feminist theory in anthropology, it may be that they have had little exposure to it. If they are using marilyn strathern as a representative, sherry ortner is as much a representative. Feminist theory in anthropology does have to do with women but it has to do with much more than that as well. Even though, there are actually few women theorists included in this reader, the contribution of women anthropologists to theory has been much more significant than the reader suggests.