EURO 1200 Lecture : E.T.A Hoffman, The Sandman
Document Summary
Exploration of human psyche (similarity to goya"s sleep of reason) Coppelius" sadism if he isn"t supernatural he is a sadist who likes torturing children lack of sympathy and understanding for mental illness. N is treated like an animal when he falls into madness how mental illness develops from blurring of boundaries between reality and. Uncanny effect and mental illness develop: destabilizing of boundaries between reality and fantasy (freud"s definition fantasy. Effects story is extraordinary story is real story is literature = shaped by poet who makes arbitrary decisions. Statement of what poet does (p. 133-34) really weird story real twice remove from accuracy reference to the dim reflection in the mirror deliberately trying to confuse you, and make you uncomfortable. Hoffman is organizing everything in the story, so that the reader is as confused as possible, he wants you to not know what to make of the tale.