LING 1000 Lecture 3: Unit 3: Syntax

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Syntax: how words combine to form phrases that then combine to form sentences. Known intuitively by speakers what is grammatically correct. Structure refers to the way that parts or elements are arranged together to form a larger unit. Unconsciously aware of how words are grouped together. Able to explain when something is not grammatical because the structure has been violated. Aware of structure when certain sentences are found to be ambiguous depending on how you group words together (we may not know which noun the verb is referring to. Lexical categories make up syntactic categories that function as units in sentences. Can be subjects or objects of the sentence. A verb that is preceded by other verbs like may, should, can, have and may be followed by a np or pp. An adjective that are followed by a noun and preceded by an adverb. Contain a verb that may come before an adjective or follow a verb.

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