PHIL 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: First Principle, Justice As Fairness, Social Inequality

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Every single person counts as one and only one. Problem: not everyone can count as one, people who are close to us gets special treatment. Problem: no way of blocking the wrong thoughts, we think there are human rights that should not be sacrificed but utilitarianism doesn"t preserve those rights. John rawls a theory of justice (1971) backbone of his theory: inequality is only acceptable if it benefits the least advantaged in the society. First principle: each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties (e. g. right to vote, run for office, free speech, due process, etc. ), compatible with a similar system of liberty for all. Enchanted on our charter of rights and freedoms. Free speech but there are limits to it, to the degree it doesn"t affect your right to opportunity, right to move. Limited to the degree that it doesn"t affect other people"s liberty.

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