POLS 1400 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Henry Morgentaler, Canada Elections Act, Retirement Age

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Political liberties speech, press, religion, assembly, etc: 2. Legal rights procedural rights of a person suspected or accused of committing a (cid:272)ri(cid:373)e, li(cid:271)erty e(cid:374)(cid:272)o(cid:373)passi(cid:374)g the perso(cid:374)"s right to legal (cid:272)ou(cid:374)sel, a presu(cid:373)ptio(cid:374) of innocence, bail, right to a fair trial, etc: 3. Equality rights freedom from discrimination based off of religion, race, gender, age, etc: 4. Controversial not in the charter, only in our laws. British approach parliament is supreme on the presumption that they will not infringe on our rights not written down anywhere relationship built on trust. No to judicial review the power of the courts to overturn legislation or an action of the executive branch of the government. Yes to judicial discretion the leeway inevitability bestowed upon the courts when they interpret laws, even when they do not, or have no power, to overturn them: 2. American approach written statement of civil liberties in a constitutional bill of.

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