PSYC 2310 Lecture Notes - Albert Bandura, Ibm Officevision, Educational Psychologist

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Four goals of psychologists: describe, explain, predict, apply. Psychology: scientific study of behaviour and the mind. Behaviour: actions and responses that we can directly observe. Mind: internal states and processes, such as thoughts and feelings, that cannot be seen directly and must be inferred from observable, measureable responses. Clinical psychology: the study and treatment of mental disorders. Cognitive psychology: study of mental processes, especially from a model that views the mind as an information processor. Examines consciousness, attention, memory, decision making and problem solving. Empirical evidence: evidence gained through experience and observation, and this includes evidence from manipulating with things and then observing what happens. Biological level: behavior and its causes (brain processes, genetic influences). Psychological level: our thoughts, feelings and motives. Environmental level: past and current physical and social environments to which we are exposed. Structuralism: the analysis of the mind in terms of its basic elements. Method used: introspection ( looking within ) to study sensations.

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