SOC 1100 Lecture 5: Soc Chapter 5
Document Summary
Socialization: the lifelong social experience by which individuals develop their human potential and learn culture. Personality: a person"s fairly consistent patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting. Understanding socialization: six researchers have made lasting contribution to our understanding of human development, sigmund freud, jean piaget, lawrence kohlberg, carol gilligan, george herbert mead, erik h. erikson. Critical review: studies re ect gender bias, in uences the study of personality, sociologists note freud"s contributions. Monday, september 28, 2015: internalization of social norms, childhood experiences have lasting affect. Critical review: like piaget, viewed moral development as stages, many people don"t reach the nal stage, research limited to boys, generalized to population. Carol gilligan"s theory of gender and moral development. Critical review: does nature or nurture account for the differences in males and females, many feminists do not agree with essentializing differences, male and female morals will probably become more similar as more women enter the workplace. George herbert mead"s theory of the social self: