CLAS201 Lecture 16: Alexander the Great
Document Summary
Alexander has horns on his head and it was on the coinage of. Alexander claimed divinity once he put his face on the coin. Accession to the throne: challenges, alexander gained the throne after his father was assassinated, his father had married cleopatra (not his sister and not the famous cleopatra. 7th: philip had taken care of the surrounding countries so why marry cleopatra . Maybe because he was on the verge of launching an attack on the persian empire: there was a challenge to alexander getting the throne, olympias had cleopatra (not olympias daughter) and her daughter. Mardock and has a ceremony where he identifies as the son of. Persian: there were some small rebellions and macedonian resistance because of this, calisthanenes was killed at this point, alexander when he was drunk killed cleitus the black who was a macedonian officer.