MATH136 Lecture Notes - Coefficient Matrix, Minuscule 22, Row And Column Vectors

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Friday, january 31 lecture 12 : matrices and matrix algebra. Concepts: matrix and the operation of addition, multiplication, scalar multiplication and transposition on matrices, rules of matrix algebra, zero matrix, matrix-vector multiplication, system of linear equations expressed as a matrix equation. If m and n are positive integers, a matrix of size m n (or of dimension m n), is a rectangular array of real numbers, arranged in m rows and n column. The aij"s are called the entries or components of the matrix. The symbol i is called the row index or the entr e and j is called its column index. Example : this is a 3 by 3 matrix a : 12. 1. 1 two matrices are said to be equal matrices if and only if their corresponding entries are equal. Because of this matrices of different dimensions cannot be equal.