PHIL215 Lecture Notes - Hydrogen Fuel, Conspiracy Theory, General Motors Ev1
Document Summary
Electric cars were cars of choice (small, and convenient) could be charged from home. Unlike gas cars that needed to be cranked. Automatic starters, mass-production, speed was what put gas cars before the electric car: modern cars age began. Gas cars were popular but it became apparent that smog and pollution was increasing because of it. Every gallon on gas we burn adds 19 gallons of carbon dioxide in the air. If you don"t do anything to co2 it will cluster into the atmosphere and co2 causes global warming. Sun racer solar powered vehicle (made by gm) Carb california air recourse board saw that the electric car was a good thing. Us created a mandate (0 emission mandate 1990: which meant that any car company that wanted to sell cars, they needed to create cars without an exhaust. Ev driver (is the electric car) sunfire (gm) California had to drop the mandate because they were against it and had supporters.