CRWR 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Major Depressive Episode, Mania, Bipolar I Disorder

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Chapter 2 is important for paper (don"t take notes, just use as reference) Tips for avoiding plagiarism (on mood disorders powerpoint) First, introduce both sides of the general topic. Then, you can do your two online sources and two empirical sources. Then, at the the end, discuss what paradigm explains the topic you found. Loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities. Children: somatic symptoms (feeling heavy, fatigued, upset stomachs, headaches) are most common early signs. Most depressed individuals experience somatic symptoms (about 85%) List of symptoms (must present 5 of the following for at least two weeks) (1 of those 5 must be depressed mood or loss of interest) Very common to experience symptoms of depression throughout the day, occasionally during your life. But its considered depression when it reaches a certain degree and frequency. Cognitive and environmental factors that perpetuate depressive symptoms: Double depressive disorder: between major depressive episodes they bounce back to persistent depressive disorder.

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