PSYC 217 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Confounding, Stereotype Threat, Internal Validity
Document Summary
Very lecture heavy, but familiarize yourself with textbook (key terms at back of chapters!) If chapters review a study over the course of a page-couple pages, you should probably familiarize yourself. Learning objectives at front of slides should guide studying. Study should be able to be done in ~ 5 mins. Independent variable (iv): manipulated by researcher and thought to be the cause of a certain behaviour. Only expected cause" differs and minimizing these types of differences (confounds). Experimental control: only the iv change across conditions. Confounds: a variable that co-varies along with the iv. Could explain all or part of the result. Having confounding variable hinders your ability to draw causal conclusions. Cannot have confounds in a correlational design (textbook says otherwise, but just ignore it) Third variable: effects both a and b at the same time. Iv: amt of sleep, dv: test score, confound: alarm clock usage.