BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Myelin, Motor Neuron

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Key questions unit 4: a) compare the furnace and thermostat in your household to the heating system in your body. Be sure to identify the regulators, monitors, and coordination centre in each. Most of the body heat is regulated by the hypothalamus in your brain. Your hypothalamus functions as the set-point, the reference, that your body should be. The hypothalamus constantly gets information send to it from heat-detecting nerves in your body. If the information it receives differs from the setpoint, it will attempt to change it. If your body is to hot, arteries near your skin surface open to radiate the heat out. You"ll start sweating, your respiration speed might go up. It also affects you conciously - you feel warm. If your body is to cold, arteries near the skin surface shut down to keep the heat inside. You"ll start to shiver - the shivering motion caused by your muscles generate heat.