BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Reagent, Food Coloring, Chocolate Milk

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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14 on things like, living plants or animals: summarize the four major types of biochemical reactions studied in this lesson. For each type give its name, a word summary of what happens during the reaction, and an example of where the reaction might be biologically important: hydrolysis : hydrolysis is used to break molecules using water. For example, in this case water is a product, rather than being a reactant. Condensation occurs in your body when you are building muscle tissue: oxidation and reduction (redox) : redox, is split into two different parts. Oxidation which is a process of losing electrons, and reduction which is the process of gaining electrons. For an electron transfer between two substances, it always involves a reduction of one, and an oxidation of the other, making it a redox. In a reaction in water, neutralization results in there being no excess of hydrogen or hydroxide ions present in solution.

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