BIO 1140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Thomas Hunt Morgan, Maurice Wilkins, Francis Crick

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Dna is copied in living cells in an assembly line, that is pulling apart the double helix and forming each strand. The dna that will be copied come from the production line, bottom left. Whirling blue molecular machine is helicase unwinds the dna into two strand. One strand is copied continuously, and the other strand is copied backwards. Drawn out repeatedly in loops and copied one section at a time, end result 2 new dna molecules. Deoxyribonucleic acid (dna): the hereditary molecule (read 12. 1) In 1911, thomas hunt morgan was able to associate traits (genes) to a chromosome by studying sex-linked inheritance in drosophila melanogaster. In 1928, frederick griffith identified properties of strains of streptococcus pneumonia related to their virulence in mammals. In 1940, oswold avery determined that these properties were related to dna (not rna or protein). In 1952, alfred hershey was able to finally demonstrate that dna was indeed the hereditary molecule by using phages of e. coli.