BIO 1540 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: The Sociological Imagination, Social Constructionism, Erving Goffman
Document Summary
Students are responsible for studying and understanding all concepts and ideas discussed in class, as well as in the textbook chapters outlined by the syllabus. This is just a starting point to help you organize your thoughts and class notes. Understanding the sociological imagination: sociology, sociological perspective: wright mills: sociological imagination; personal troubles vs. social issues, peter, berger: particular vs. general; familiar vs. strange, agency and structure. Explaining the social: origins of sociology, main concepts in sociology, theory and everyday life, classical and modern social theories. Examining the social: theories; hypotheses; variables and measures, sampling, Quantitative and qualitative research methods, different types of research and their limitations, ethics of research, research gone wrong. Cultural adventures: components of culture: symbols; language; values; norms; mores; folkways, cultural diversity: multiculturalism; ethnocentrism, theoretical analysis of culture. Exploring the social: questions, socialization, the self: socialization, life course, Understanding the self (mead: play, the game and the generalized other; cooley: looking-glass self; goffman: dramaturgical sociology)