BIO 3170 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Multiple Choice, Differential Centrifugation, Proline

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When we look at a steady state protein level = rate f syn reate or regradation = steady state level of pretein measuring. We need to directly measure these levels. Safe guard for the cell to regulate the level etc (4) Re(cid:373)e(cid:373)(cid:271)er the ge(cid:374)eral struuture of the a(cid:373)i(cid:374)io a(cid:272)id (cid:894)do(cid:374)"t re(cid:373)e(cid:373)(cid:271)er the stru(cid:272)tures(cid:895) We need to be able to show how the petide bond is formed. The formation of the bond is unspecific and can occur between any two amino acid (simlia to. We know this sequence is specific for dna because the sequence on the rna/mrna. Foramation is unfavourable and needs atp for the reaction. Transcription w/respect to translation: dna rna by rna polymerase; rna protein, why we use the word translation: landguage of nucleic acid sequence to amino acid sequence therefore we must tralate (they are two different languages)