ENV 1101 Lecture Notes - Ecotourism, Ecotheology, National Audubon Society

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Taking ideas and pushing an agenda to try and make changes. Ancient civilizations keenly interested in how environmental processes affect human well-being (and vice versa) : what influences seasonal flow levels in the nile? (practicing agriculture for 5k years, use earth& banks small channel with a gate around their fields they would build earth walls. Dry-land interior population pressures leading to advancement of these deserts. For many years the environment has been maintained in a sustainable way, but we are seeing changes. Europe science began to emerge as a discipline distinct from religious theory. Ex: galileo (astronomy) , descartes (methodology), newton (calculus, physics) Science breaks from creationism in the 19th century: ex: lamarck, darwin, agassiz humans evolved from non-human ancestors, ex: malthus: human population numbers governed by food supply. Human activities are dictated by the environment. Reaches apogee in early 20th century when some geographers argue that racial stereotypes are manifestations of environmental conditions (semple, huntington)

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