HIS 1111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: September 11 Attacks, Bush Doctrine, Terrorist Threats

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Penetrate the penumbra of current events through the prism of the project for the. Fear is a real and present danger, terror is fear without a face. Terror is being an insecure environment where threat can come at any time. Previously: we examined the emergence of radical" islam and arguably its most famous branch, the militant brand of islam preached by bin laden. Particularly jihadism that was for the global 21st century. It was no longer su cient to launch a holy war in the me, you needed to attack the head of the snake on their home soil. This segment: we examine how neoconservatives hijacked 9/11 to launch a war on terrorism" to cover a preconceived plan to establish the usa"s global hegemony. Was a preconceived plot to expand us power after the cold war. The 9/11 attack and bush"s war on terrorism. Bush"s attempt to rede ned foreign policy relative to the doctrine of pre-emption.

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