SOC 1101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Blue-Collar Worker, Cultural Diversity, Dependent And Independent Variables

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Me -> local organizations, institutions, ethnic subcultures -> national organization -> society -> global community. What is sociology: all study aspects of human behavior and social life but each has a different focus. The systematic study of human groups and their interactions. Sociological perspective: the unique way in which sociologist see our world: wright mills: the sociological imagination, developing an appreciation of how individual challenges are influenced by larger social forces. Social issues are caused by larger social factors. Quality of mind refers to one"s ability to look beyond personal circumstance and into social context. Peter berger: seeing the general in the particular is the ability to look at seemingly unique events (particular) and then recognizing the larger (general) features involved. (why is it that people dress a certain way etc. ) Think about what is familiar and see it as strange.

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