ANT101H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Bison Latifrons, Great Lakes, Paleo-Indians

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5 Feb 2015

Document Summary

Lecture 14 - the earliest american and paleo-indians. March 18, 2013: the earliest americans, origins in east asia, geographical evidence: Beringia land bridge: ocean coastlines were exposed because water was frozen as glacial ice, creating a bridge from siberia to america. This was the only and route between the new and old world after the continents separated. Pacific coastal island hopping: took small boats/ rafts, staying along the coastline for food and shelter, near island areas: cultural evidence: people were practicing lifestyles from 30,000ya in both america and. Siberia, with similar hunting and the use of bone instead of stone. Yana rhs site and others: physical/ genetic evidence. Genetic (ancient and modern populations): their dna matches modern north. American native populations, so are ancestors: overall: all lines of data support east asian origin for first populations to settle in americas, time of arrival, physical/ genetic evidence: Post 35,000ya, homo sapiens existed only: geographical evidence:

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