The Polymerization Process
Polymers are molecules of high molecular mass formed by joining together large numbers of small molecules, called monomers. There are two general methods of creating polymers. In addition polymerization, monomers couple through the opening of their multiple bonds, as seen in the formation of polyethylene.(Figure 1) In condensation polymerization, two monomers join by the elimination of a small molecule such as water, as seen in the formation of proteins from amino acids.(Figure 2)
Draw the molecule on the canvas by choosing buttons from the Tools (for bonds), Atoms, and Advanced Template toolbars. The single bond is active by default.
Part A
The repeat unit of a polymer is the smallest section of the polymer that includes all of the original monomers and is identically repeated end to end along the entire polymer chain.
Draw the repeat unit of the polymer that results via a condensation reaction, as shown in Intro figure 2, between the diacid and the diamine shown below.
To indicate that the polymer repeats, add an X atom at each end of the repeat unit to indicate where the next monomer starts.
Part B
Draw the monomer used to make the following polymer via addition polymerization.
Addition Polymerization ,C=C C-C Ethylene Polyethylene