POL114H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Genocide Convention, Constructive Engagement, Female Genital Mutilation
Document Summary
Wwii and the holocaust: lemkin and the un genocide convention > r2p (responsibility to protect) Universal declaration of human rights (not international law) ic on civil and political rights & ic on economic, social and cultural rights = Un convention on torture (as treaty is il) Jus cogens: universally agreed standards and protections from more extreme human rights violations: torture, extrajudicial execution exit independently of codification as il. Human rights v. sovereign states (imposed or freely accepted?) East v. west: political rights of individuals or socioeconomic rights of colletivities. Are property rights more important than the right to be free from poverty. Immage of the hive v. image of the market and the idea of negative hallucinations. What gives anyone the right to condemn practices in another culture/state/society. Human rights and the formulation of foreign policy. Looking backward not forward (truth and reconciliation: s. africa, argentina, Human rights v. trade interests > inconsistency (u. s. , canada v.