PHL105Y5 Lecture : Immanuel Kant continued…
Document Summary
categorical imperative: i shall never act except in such a way that i can also will that my maxim become a universal law. this is basically saying that one should never act unless your maxim will become a universal law. this is the formula of the universal law. example: in order to get out of trouble, i will make a promise that i don"t intend to keep. (goal) (action/means) For kant, being evil is making exceptions to rules. There are 3 kinds of categorical imperatives: (1) formula of universal law: i shall never act except in such a way that i can also will that my maxim become a universal law. in other words, treat each person with the appropriate respect. example: promising to pay someone back their money and actually keeping that promise. You can treat someone as a means (only if showing them the proper respect)