SOC100H5 Lecture : Feminism Lecture Notes
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The theory of patriarchy that came out o feminism didn"t come out until 40 year ago (1970"s). Very recent according to the history of sociology. Women weren"t mentioned in sociology until the late 70"s except when involving family cause that was the only role they were given. Has a lot of research to back it. Marxists argue that social/class relations are most important; feminism argues gender inequality to be more important. 3 most common variables of inequality: race, class, and gender (ig) Inequality is when a group or some groups in a social world have more of something than another group (power, money, etc. ) Difference is when different groups have differences between them such as jobs. Control over others (based on a theory called patriarchy which discusses male domination over all aspects of women lives but also there are many men that are controlled by more powerful men) Gender is defined as the social consequence of being male or female.