SOC100H5 Lecture : Chapter 19 - Religion - pp.457-477

SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary
Chapter overview: this chapter illustrates how society encourages both conformity and deviance. Providing an introduction to crime and the criminal justice system. Deviance: standing out by not conforming to what is expected or normal, it is a reflection of both individual choice and the operation of norms within our society. Social control: attempts by society to regulate people"s thoughts and behaviour. Crime: the violation(s) of the criminal law/justice system. Criminal justice system: a response by the police, courts, and prison officials to alleged violations of the law. Biological theories: focus on individual abnormality, human behaviour is explained as a result of biological instinct, criminal behaviour is linked to body type and genetic. Psychological theories: focuses on individual abnormality, deviance is the result of unsuccessful socialization. **biological and psychological theories provide a limited understanding of crime and deviance because most violations that happen are done by normal people. www. notesolution. com. Structural-functional analysis: deviance is an important part of social organization.