SOC100H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Hidden Curriculum, Double Consciousness, Microsociology

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Sociology lecture 03 jan 12 2016, lecture 04 jan 14 2016. Key historical moments that led to sociological discipline: growth of science, there was a point when religion was dominant in people"s life. Science become more dominant in a way to understand the world. In some it countries it even became the dominant way: sociologist wanted to adopt the same approach to the hard sciences. Shit in economy and how people earned their livelihood: urbanizaion, people moved to ciies to work in factories b. Loss of community: the rise of states and poliical revoluions, the government exerts a lot of control over the populaion, people disagree poliical revoluion. Empirical component: data to support it; research. Society: a complex system of parts working together to promote solidarity and stability. There are diferent parts that have to funcion well in order for the organism or society to work.