SOC205H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Impulsivity
Document Summary
Week 5: most criminals use neutralization but justifying their behaviour for breaking the law most of the time, typically engaging in 5 techniques of neutralization, denial of responsibility (i couldn"t help myself) (cheats the social welfare, denial of injury (doesn"t believe anyone is going to get hurt; consequences are short term and doesn"t cause any great harm, denial of the victim (they had a right to engage to the behaviour, condemnation of the condemners (dismiss others who criticise him in different ways and deflects responsibilities to some one else, appeal to higher loyalties (you did it for someone else, sacrificing the law for someone else, this allows people to move in and out of the criminal life, those who are in crime can use the neutralization techniques and they believe they are regular citizens, this is a drift in and out of crime (most teenagers become conforming individuals after)