SOC209H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Eyewitness Identification, Tunnel Vision, Psychopathy
Document Summary
You are free in the community until your trial. Remand = they put u in jail before your trial. The crown persecutor has to show cause, in order to put you in jail before trial o. If they have a reasonable belief that youre going to offend, not show up, etc. Ladder effect = start with the least restrictive option (which would be bail in this case) o. Look at things like your prior offences, current charge, previous failure to appear to trial date. In ontario, disregard for ladder effect o o. They are opting for most restrictive option from the start. Seeing more and more people being remanded to custody and fewer people being released. The more conditions placed on an individual"s behaviour, the more likely that eventually the individual will break those conditions o. Illogical conditions that can be broken easily and makes it easier to remand. Most people in remand are stuck there until their trial.