SOC231H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Collective Effervescence, Flag Of Canada, Totem

89 views3 pages
21 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Organic analogy: society like biological organisms; parts/whole. Society is a huge organism and individuals all come together to contribute to the society aka the maintenance of the whole. This society is disrupted by conservative thinkers - everything that is taken for granted will fall apart so it"s best to go back to way things were before industrial revolution. Functions are not so differentiated - there is a kind of feeling of togetherness. Most individuals are similar to each other and differences are frowned upon. People share values and are more or less like each other - mechanical in sense where they are similar to each other. People alike; share a common conscience collective . Individual conscience magnified to cover entire community. Results in population growth, differentiation: organic solidarity = emergence of the division of labour, interdependence. Laboring = doing different things - causes the ties of independence to form - basis of social stability.

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