SOC263H5 Lecture : Lecture #2-Industrialization and the Theories of Inequality

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Industrial revolution brought about changes within social order. Political and economic movement, whereby landlords/lords would take their little parcels of land that peasants depended on and put them together, and claimed rights to the property. Political because for the first time we see legal ownership/rights to land, therefore it becomes a commodity because it can be bought and sold. Economic because at the time wool was a valuable commodity in the world. They created large areas of land for sheep to be raised, and the more sheep you raised was the more wool you had. Also there was a large creation of landless population moving into urban areas. It changes the way that land is owned and used. In fuel times, market never played a big role. Production is now geared towards and made for the market. Things changed such as what to produce, how to produce, how much to produce .

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