SOC275H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Gender Bender, Reproductive Rights, Girl Power
Document Summary
Story about child x did(cid:374)"t follo(cid:449) spe(cid:272)ifi(cid:272) ge(cid:374)der rules and kids asked what gender the kid is: video 1. Feminism is about equality of the sexes, right now women are oppressed not men. Feminism about equal pay for equal work, reproductive rights, women in places of power (ceo, gov positions) Wanting political, social and economic rights for women. Women still encounter glass ceilings: video 2. Men and women are free to be whatever they want to be idea of the vid: video 3. Boy wants a doll but it should be fine: video 4 baby storm. Parents giving their baby the freedom to choose their own gender, raising them without a specific gender. They have a older male child that identifies as female, so giving the second child choice. This is why we need feminism because this is still an issue: video #5 gender bender. Target removing gender specific toys, introducing gender neutral toys.