SOC275H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Hunter-Gatherer, Infant Mortality, Separate Spheres
Document Summary
Represents 95-99% of history how humans have been for some time. Work is constant men were hunters, pursuing meat, women gatherers and (cid:272)hild(cid:396)e(cid:374) a(cid:374)d elde(cid:396)l(cid:455) did(cid:374)"t (cid:449)o(cid:396)k fo(cid:396) dail(cid:455) su(cid:271)sta(cid:374)(cid:272)e u(cid:374)less (cid:396)e(cid:395)ui(cid:396)ed. Production is only for use (cid:374)ot e(cid:454)(cid:272)ha(cid:374)gi(cid:374)g (cid:449)ith a(cid:374)(cid:455) o(cid:374)e (cid:271)e(cid:272)ause u do(cid:374)"t ha(cid:448)e e(cid:454)t(cid:396)a. No fridges so stuff can go bad and only keep as much as you need. Everyone has access to means of production which was nature. No social hierarchy/class so sharing between everyone. Organization grouping consisted of about 15-50 people, no hostility between them, everyone cooperated and everyones opinion matters - democracy. Fathers /men involved in caring of children, elderly also contributed, community felt responsible for child care so women could go out and collect berries and other stuff without having to worry about children. Nothing happened in secret, everything out in the open: agricultural families. Men become primary workers, men own and control the land.