SOC307H5 Lecture Notes - Juvenile Delinquency
Document Summary
Different groups are victims of different crimes: violent, sexual harassment, economic, political, etc. Victim precipitation theory individuals may cause their own victimization (a) active precipitation: Shows characteristics and/or behavior perceived by offender as threat or danger. Passive precipitation was used a legal defense in rape cases. Intentional high-risk lifestyle (outgoing late night, nightclubs/bars, deviant peers, etc) increases probability of being a victim. E. g. : gang members criminals are likely to become victims themselves. Correctional programs and the supervision of offenders that take place in the community, rather than in institutional settings. Point: to keep offenders from being incarcerated (1) diversion first-time, low-risk offenders. Objectives: (a) avoidance of negative labeling and stigmatization (b) reduction of unnecessary social control and coercion (c) reduction of re-offending (d) provision of corrective services (e) reduction of costs (2) probation. For cases in which there is no minimum penalty prescribed.