SOC307H5 Lecture : lecture two
Document Summary
Soc307- lecture #2: scientific approach to the world. Criminology is a branch of sociology: the scientific approach to the study of deviance. Science: methodical rule bound observations, data collection, hypothesis testing, formulating theory, measurement, comparison, prediction. Preserve: harmony, order, normality, happiness, enlightenment, peace of mind, salvation. Destroy all that (disorder, chaos, unhappiness, darkness, disharmony, abnormality) Polytheism: many gods/goddesses such as in ancient greece and rome. Monotheism: one god (omnipotent, omnipresent god) such as judaism, christianity, The bad guy is usually the devil or satan. Religious explanation of crime says these forces make you do good or bad things, to break the law or to obey it. The original sin where adam and eve eat the fruit in christianity. Satan in the form of a serpent deceives eve so that eve deceives adam and touches the tree and both were expelled from heaven. The first murder: cain kills abel workings of satan (supernatural powers intervene)