SOC307H5 Lecture 3: lecture three
Document Summary
Conceptions of deterrence that resulted from rational choice tradition. The goal is to have no crime committed. And example is a realised offender whose experience in jail prevents him from reoffending. Public punishment which is sure rapid and terrible. Focuses on serious crimes such as murder and robbery. The goal is to punishment of individual corrections not intended. Want to have more pleasure and avoid pain. Knowledge of painful consequences has a deterring offence. New offenders, young offenders, repeat offenders (minor crimes such as shoplifting or duis) Rehabilitation: discourage the criminal from any future criminal acts www. notesolution. com. You have to be careful with young offenders, they are not adults so you cannot be as harsh with them. Teach them useful skills, trades, to help them when they get out. Changing the frequency and effectiveness of your methods. An example: increasing visibility of means of surveillance (more cameras)