SOC307H5 Lecture 5: lecture five
Document Summary
Victim precipitation theory: the offender: as the initiator lets look at the more conceptual explinations for crime. For example, they usually prey on elderly for financial crimes such as fraud or burglaries: target gratifiability has something that someone wants such as valuable objects, physical pleasure, or psychological pleasure. If anything this is a huge part of our social life, human beings always want to enhance their sense of status: target antagonism: target effects the offender emotionally. Rapist say that they were provoked: female: proactive dressing sense, behaviour was used as a criminal defence. Routine activites theory: availability of suitable target, always assume there is a motivated offender out there, absence of capable guardians www. notesolution. com. You are downtown wandering the streets half naked. Young people go to clubs, if your poor you go to bad ones. Black males are under constant cultural pressure to act like the cool tough guy.