SOC307H5 Lecture : Lecture 4

100 views9 pages
28 Jan 2011

Document Summary

the analysis of the psyche ( freuds ice berg model. f reud wanted to convey that we only see a quarter of the human mind. mental life: the activity and interaction of these three components. instinctual desires: agreesive impulses, needs (food and sex) control: thoughts and feelings of the individual. the id is a immaterial entity, which is external to us. the i d is ruled by pleasure and pain principle. maximization of pleasure, and minimize of pain. a newborn baby is completely controlled by the id. the id will not take no for an answer. eg: a baby crying will not take no for an answer. the id is a repository of: repressed thoughts and memories (we censor them to the id, person is averse to knowing consciously, socially unacceptable ideas, wishes or desires, t raumatic memories, and painful emotions. unconscious is a force that expresses itself.

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