SOC307H5 Lecture Notes - Scientific Method, Physiognomy, Demonology
Document Summary
Science the scientific approach to the study of crime and deviance forms of behaviour. Methodical investigation rule bound: o o o o data collection hypothesis testing formulating theory ex. bio/chem/physics all sciences use the scientific method it is what makes them sciences observation/data collection/hypothesis. A- there are supernatural forces beyond ordinary human powers (demons, gods, angels, spirits) C- this can be direct/indirect through humans or animals. D- some for good and some for bad (evil) crime/deviance. Why humans commit evil acts (crime): influenced by evil forces, their own nature, wicked sinful, weak easily tempted. Evil forces and acts negative results harmony order normality happiness disorder chaos unhappiness darkness. By god: hell plague enlightenment peace of mind salvation abnormality suffering damnation punishment. By humans: excommunication burning at the stake polytheism: believe in many gods monotheism: believe in one god. Middle ages europe (christianity) crime and deviance o o the work of evil forces.