SOC307H5 Lecture Notes - Routine Activity Theory, Juvenile Delinquency, Cognitive Dissonance
Document Summary
Precipitation theory: active participation victim as initiator indicated confrontation ends in victim getting injured/death. She asked for it patriarchal attitude: routine activity theory availability of suitable targets absence of capable guardians presence of motivated offender, suitability (human types) increases victimization chances. Weakness (physical, mental, social: lifestyle theory intentional high-risk lifestyle higher probability of being victim ex. being in bars a lot, nightclubs, deviant peers, etc. More effective than remote legal authority (state) prevents lies prevents denials prevents continuation and/or escalation of violence due to offender"s rage. Collective hate crime perceived membership in certain social groups race/ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, class, nationality, political orientation o o o o o o o o o. Hate groups o constituent elements: conformity tendency to act/think like other members of the group. Must destroy enemies establish pure race ex. Hitler often false often continuously falsified by reality. American, won 6 gold medals, hitler was furious.