SOC316H5 Lecture Notes - Gated Community

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25 Mar 2013

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Issues between public and private spaces: global phenomenon- gated communities occur in many forms and across the world. Largest number of gated communities exist in brazil and south africa. Since 1980s, largest growth on gated communities seen in middle and upper-middle class areas. Types of gated communities luxury or elite communities retirement or lifestyle communities security zones for the middle class** can be urban or suburban i. e. one way in and out can be seen as a gated community. Gated communities in the us electric fence to get into complex security guards at entrance bar to get into certain areas: neighbourhoods in brazil surrounded by concrete walls. Issues related to safety: demands for preferential treatment. Democratic space: democratic space refers to open, secure and well-developed public urban spaces for all urban residents where people should be able to mix with various groups and experience the benefits of urban environments.

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