SOC384H5 Lecture : Lecture

105 views6 pages
16 Jan 2011

Document Summary

there are two definitions of mass media (traditional and modernized definition). ethical issues which arise within mass media. libel: defined as allegation against someone as being unethical or the committing of a act which is criminal ( if you claim this and do not have proof of evidence of it, then you/and your publication can be sued). libel is when you make false allegations against | someone. ethics is a branch is philosophy which seeks to address questions about morality (authoritative norms right and wrong behaviour) such as: example: murder is wrong, stealing is wrong, ect. murder is generally condemned; incest is generally condemned, except for some particular cultures/communities. there are many societies which are not tolerated on theft. most sociologists would claim that moral norms are arbitrary. arbitrary means something which is not supported by a sound argument.

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