ANTA02H3 Lecture 2: Lecture 2 Notes

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25 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Fieldwork is what makes anthropology different from the other social sciences. Fieldwork is when you go to the country and study the way of life of the people. Ethnography is what you write up based on your fieldwork- more than just a description, it describes why people do what they do; analytic. Ethnography should be written based on the native"s point of view. With a lot of description, geertz referred to this is as thick description". And only for the past 100 years were they doing fieldwork. Marco polo learned about china and how it was different. They would rank the cultures-these people are primitive, those who are well culturally. James fraiser-study of myth of religion-all cultures come from spirits. Anthropology is not as positive as scientist, because it can be subjective. Trobriand islands the world war broke out, so he was stuck in the trobriands. So he had to do 2 years of fieldwork. www. notesolution. com.

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