ANTA02H3 Lecture : Wrapping Up Feeding Desire

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9 Apr 2011

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Lecture five: wrapping up feeding desire march 1, 2011. The way that cultural logics come together and translate into cultural values o. Ie) endogamy, islam, closedness, hot vs. cold: crystallization through fattening - makes the cultural values (intangible) visible/tangible/real, sustain each other and define each other, conceived by susan bordo (wrote about body ideals in the west) Body ideals in the west: slim, young, masculine-ish women, why thinness? o o o. The "innate" beauty of thinness is unquestioned in our society. Not true in other societies: eg. asawagh arabs. Media is effective not because it inundates us with images of thinness, but because it reflects ideals and beliefs already present in society and reflects it back. Same as how fattening for azawagh arabs is influenced by the desert, but that that is not enough. Crystallization recognizes the aspects of cultural values (ie. wealth or o.

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