ANTA02H3 Lecture : Race and Racisms

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9 Apr 2011

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Lecture seven: race and racism march 15, 2011. How do anthropologists think of race: race is a recent human invention, race is about culture not biology, race is embedded in institutions and everyday life. How does our society think of race: what is race? o. Categories of people based on skin colour, clothing, practices, speech (language and colloquialisms/accents), religion, and other physical attributes: how do you determine a person"s race? o. Effects social status o o o o o o. Does race exist: race as biological categories that are exclusive and meaningful do not exist. Certain "races" have different average femur length, but there is o nothing biologically determinate about people who happen to have this average length that predicts behaviour o. Someone is racially described as "black" by the colour of their skin, but the connotations and meaning of the racial term "black" means more than that you have a certain skin colour.

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