ANTB14H3 Lecture Notes - Small Ground Finch, Character Displacement, Digital Negative

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W microevolution = a change over time in the frequency of one or more alleles in the population. W macroevolution = large-scale change over time resulting in new species. W genotype = genetic makeup of an individual. 034950. ,3701079490039700309. makeup of an individual or to the alleles at a particular locus. W phenotype = the physical characteristics of an individual. W species (as defined by the biological species concept) = a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Members of a species are reproductively isolated from members of other species. W gene flow = the movement of genes within or among populations. A member of species a will not mate with a member of species b because that member does not look like his or her own species. A member of species a does mate with a member of species b but a zygote (fertilized egg) is not formed, or a viable fetus does not form.

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