ANTB19H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Bronisław Malinowski, Trobriand Islands, Ethnography

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23 Oct 2017

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In preparation for session 3 of our tutorial, i would like you to complete a short reflection, of your choosing, from the assigned readings for october 4th or 18st on the kula exchange: The essentials of the kula. argonauts of the western. Canoes and sailing. argonauts of the western pacific. The ceremonial building of the waga. argonauts of the western pacific. Launching of a canoe and ceremonial visiting tribal economics in the. Magic and the kula. argonauts of the western pacific. Please write up (or copy and paste) your chosen passage (anywhere between 75 to 150 words) or passages. In a second paragraph of (around) 250 words, critically engage with this chosen passage. However, i would like you to actively think about the task of the ethnographer in your response. Engage with the descriptive value of malinowski"s writing! Please do not summarize what malinowski describes in your chosen passage. You will be marked according to the standard rubric.

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