ANTB20H3 Lecture 2: Week 2 Cooper article notes
Document Summary
The banker"s boast - with the collapse of the soviet union and the market orientation of. Pressure from the us , the imf, and tnc"s brings down national barriers to the movement of capital. Gloablization is invoked time and time again to tell rich countries to roll back the welfare state and poor ones to reduce social expenditures all in the name of the necessity of competition in a globalized economy. The social democrat"s lament it accepts the reality of globalization as the bankers see it but it argues the opposite that it is not beneficial for humankind. The dance of the flows and the fragments 0 this argument accepts much of the other two the reality of globalization in the present and its destabilizing effect on national societies but makes another move. Rather than homogenize the world, globalization reconfigures the local but not in a spatially confined way.