ANTB20H3 Lecture : Nationalism as a template for Globalization (28th January)
Document Summary
Globalization: dissolving barriers like time and distance (time-space compression, make political border increasingly irrelevant (borderless world, hybridization of cultures and mixing. Intensification of connections between different parts of the world and our increasing consciousness of this development. Nation states are looked at less important as before. Some have argued that with the advent of globalization, state boundaries are becoming less important; facilitating the flows of people, ideas and capital while also making these boundaries porous and insignificant. we need to revisit this assumption through looking at the difference between the nation-state and the nation as. Ex: we are canadian : no longer subject to the dynasty, the queen, etc but rather they were citizens. People share an identity as citizens of a nation based on common culture and history. These people contribute to the rituals and discourses that form the state building and protecting the state: ex: voting, celebrating national events,