ANTB22H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Philopatry, Bonobo, Hamadryas Baboon

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27 Feb 2011

Document Summary

composition of a group (# of males, # of females) animals only come together to mate (or if food is clumped) pair living primates are usually very territorial. some bachelor (all-male) groups with this type of social system. describes the # of copulation partners that different individuals have www. notesolution. com. example: titi monkeys are t ruly monogamous monkeys. 1 female mates with multiple mates, but each of the males mates only: example: callitichids. polygynandry: also called promiscuous or multi-male, multi-female mating system. more individuals means more knowledge of resources(increased foraging efficiency) Slide benefits to group l iving 3: less likely to be eaten by a predator via the dilution effect . more easily attract predators competition for access to food or mates. Slide costs to group l iving 2: www. notesolution. com increased disease transmission. secondary dispersal another (usually around sexual maturity for animals)

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